Comcast Hold Music – Untitled Hold Song #2

On hold with Comcast, intermittently, for the past 6 months

I’m on hold with Comcast as we speak and without any unneeded exposition let’s dive right in. This is a jazzy number. A saxophone rides hard throughout the majority of this song with a very repetitive riff. If you don’t listen closely it feels like the same seven notes climbing up and down a wild slide. I usually like saxophones, especially in hold music, but this is so distracting when we all know that the piano and bass are actually the business end of the song.

The song starts with an incredible bass intro, two notes hopping over each other until they cascade into a driving bass line that guides our souls to the next account care representative. Soon a piano joins with an accompaniment that even gets its own solo later at 2:56. If you listen to any of this song the first 10 seconds and the forefronted piano are the only parts worth your time, otherwise I’d recommend watching drain unclogging videos instead.

The saxophone seems to work really hard to flush a song with great potential down the porcelain. The most redeeming part is at 1:28 of this recording. For about 45 seconds, the sax starts to whip up a snappy rebuttal to the rest of its sorry excuse for cool jazz music. At least it’s better than the over voicing used by Comcast which interrupts the only good saxophone section.

What really makes me feel insane is when one announcer interrupts another. There isn’t a good example of this in the recording, but occasionally a voice would thank me for waiting and assure me that the service team would be right with me. Then suddenly a different voice would break over and say the same reassurance, but with different phrasing. How does that happen?! Why would there need to be two voices of competing reassurance when I need zero voices in the first place. The fact that I hear the hold music is enough to know I am on hold. A robotic chorus fighting for my attention does nothing but make me uneasy.

If you or a loved one has a hold music story to share, email us at:

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